Tomica World Osaka

Saw the advert on the subway on my first day in Osaka, so I went today to check it out. It was a crowded mess, but it was good to see all the kids so interested in die cast vehicles.

There wasn’t much TLV stuff, which was a disappointment. Lots of displays of sets, trains, and activities for the kids. For the 1000 yen entry fee, you get a choice of two event vehicles.


There was a charming sign that asked attendees not to resell the event only vehicles, along with a limit of five each. I saw several guys grab the max five available. I also found a sweet Tomica t-shirt, but it was only available in Asian small (I asked an attendant but he couldn’t find any other sizes).

Here are a few pix from the event. It runs through the 7th of May, so if you’re in the area, makes sure to check it out.

Ticket showing one of the free cars
Ticket showing one of the free cars
Gravity feed racetrack
Gravity feed racetrack
Tomica city layout
Tomica city layout
Train layout
Train layout
Event offerings. They had some from 2016
Event offerings. They had some from 2016
The sad TLV shelf
The sad TLV shelf