Farewell, Kinjaverse... Forza LALD!

Illustration for article titled Farewell, Kinjaverse... Forza LALD!

Though it seems the Kinjaverse may have been granted a brief stay of execution under the wrath of known herb Jim Spanfeller (who, let there be no doubt, is a herb), I wanted to say thanks for being great to all who have contributed to LALD over the years.

Illustration for article titled Farewell, Kinjaverse... Forza LALD!

Though I haven’t really posted here or on Oppo much in the last year or so, it’s remained a daily hangout and I love seeing new folks post. Thanks for making this a friendly little corner of the interwebs where grownups could openly speak of their toy car addiction, learn, and tell stories. It’s given me a place to do a number of things I love: write, talk about old race cars, photograph cars large and small, and play with toy cars. We can be thankful that it lasted this long, and that it cost us nothing to use. Thanks to the founders who saw fit to spin LALD off of Oppo, and again to everyone who has given us a great run on this platform. Several real-life friendships has been cultivated as a result of connections made here, and I look forward to more.

Illustration for article titled Farewell, Kinjaverse... Forza LALD!

I think it’s safe to say that a lot of us have developed our collecting, photography, and writing significantly just because of LALD and the immense pressure Scott puts on us to perform high standards set by others. Here are a few of my favorite posts which I’ll sign off with, among many, many others. See you on the ‘Gram and DriveTribe!


Also: I’ve had good luck backing up my old posts with the Save Page WE browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, it works best if you right click and select/scroll the post through all the photos, then save.


Also also: Jim Spanfeller is a herb.

Good night, and good luck. Vive la LALD!