A review of the JL Classic Gold 2016 #2 lineup: potential bankruptcy incoming

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Oh, Johnny Lightning, why must you drive me bankrupt.

*DISCLAIMER: I know most of you already know of these but this is just meant to be a round-up post*


Via Facebook, JL has revealed its second Classic Gold line for this year and it’s a doozy. A weird ‘60s Olds, a Japanese legend, 3 malaise-era American cars, and a shooting brake Chevy. Detail pages below:

1967 Oldsmobile Tornado. I’ve got 2 of these from the old ‘60s Sizzle line, so I’ll get it for the nostalgia.
1967 Oldsmobile Tornado. I’ve got 2 of these from the old ‘60s Sizzle line, so I’ll get it for the nostalgia.
1972 Chevy Vega Wagon. I wasn’t aware that a Chevy shooting brake (hey, it’s a 2 door wagon, it counts) existed, but now that I know it does I want it.
1972 Chevy Vega Wagon. I wasn’t aware that a Chevy shooting brake (hey, it’s a 2 door wagon, it counts) existed, but now that I know it does I want it.
1980 Chevy Monza Spyder. God I want this casting.
1980 Chevy Monza Spyder. God I want this casting.
1981 Datsun 280ZX. Probably my least “want” in this collection, given the HW-esque larger rear wheel and the fact I’ve already got multiple 240/60/80 Zs.
1981 Datsun 280ZX. Probably my least “want” in this collection, given the HW-esque larger rear wheel and the fact I’ve already got multiple 240/60/80 Zs.
1973 Pontiac GTO. The year that the legendary muscle car began to go down the toilet. Still want the casting though.
1973 Pontiac GTO. The year that the legendary muscle car began to go down the toilet. Still want the casting though.
1978 Dodge Warlock. There needs to be more 1970s pickup castings.
1978 Dodge Warlock. There needs to be more 1970s pickup castings.

Unlike the previous Classic Gold line, of which I could only bring myself to buy one of (it was mostly 60s muscle/sports cars, which are kinda overdone to me, and I sadly couldn’t find the Super Beetle, so I only got the Jeep), there is not a single car in this line I can’t convince myself to skip on. I love all of these castings, and for $6-7 a pop, I’m convinced JL is trying to DRIVE me bankrupt.


Puns are an art form.

That's all for now.