Plastic surgery.....chin job

So a fellow poster said that it would be easier to just repaint and mod a normal Vantage. Maybe so......but, I really like the paint job on this Vantage GT3

If you guys caught my last blog, you’d know I just got this Vantage earlier before going to work. Well....after work I did a quick and dirty mod to fix that ugly chin. It’s not my cleanest work but I mainly wanted to see if it was possible.


First, lets start with my first attempt. The heat gun. After dissasembling the car, I used a heat gun to soften the front lip and tried to flatten it. The window of time to bend it was short because the plastic kept hardening pretty quick. Anyway, the results were ugly. I could not get the chin straight and you can see the chin all wavy and deformed.

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Not only was it wavy, but now there was an ugly void.

Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job
Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job
Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job

So onto my second method.....fabricating a new chin. I cut off the damage chin and replaced it with plastic from a Testor paint can bottle top. Then, I used some activator putty to fill in the gaps.

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I even made those little side splitters.

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Now I need to make a little intercooler to put inside that huge gap. I’m thinking about making the intercooler out of tiny staples.

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As you can see, it’s not the cleanest and smoothest looking but that was only because this was a test and I only spent about an 1 1/2 hours on it using junk I found laying around. If I work on the Corvette C7.R or the SRT Viper GTS-R then I will take my time and actually put more effort into it.

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The good thing is that I can cut off the chin and redo it....only better next time.

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Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job
Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job
Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job
Illustration for article titled Plastic surgery.....chin job

Also, I did this mod at my computer desk while my wife is sleeping. Not a very good work environment. =)

My inspiration

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