Custom: Toyota 2000Gt

Illustration for article titled Custom: Toyota 2000Gt

Sn210’s custom shop is back in business! Now that my basement is no longer an ice chest and the temperature outside matches the minimum on the rattle can label, I’m making customs again.

Illustration for article titled Custom: Toyota 2000Gt

I liked the red, yellow, and black 2000gt’s, but I always thought the paint jobs looked a little too boy racer. I wanted to make a gentleman’s cruiser. White paint and wire wheels were all I really needed. Even still, this one took me forever. I started working on it in December but the cold weather really messed up the paint job. I stripped it down again and waiting until now to try it again.

Illustration for article titled Custom: Toyota 2000Gt

I still need to do some finish work on this one. The plastic underbody didn’t take to the white spray paint as well as I had liked, so I sanded it lightly and will reapray it. You can’t tell in the photos, but I know it’s there. I’d like to get some color on the taillights too.

Illustration for article titled Custom: Toyota 2000Gt

More to come!!