What happens when...

Diecasts meet their somewhat larger (in this case 43 times larger) brethren?

Copious photo opportunities ensue!

Mini mini meets Maxi mini.

Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...

It even managed to find its way inside, cheeky bugger.

Illustration for article titled What happens when...

Tiny B encounters MGB.

Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...

It sneakily took advantage of the open roof...

Illustration for article titled What happens when...

Even the traditionally humourless Germans were getting in on the shenanigans...

Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...

Once they got started the floodgates opened, not even the poor 911, incapacitated due to a broken fuel pump escaped the clutches of its tiny brethren.

Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...

Even getting up underneath, have they no respect?

Illustration for article titled What happens when...

Then the Italians woke up and things got a bit silly. Initially they were content to just play about on the cover.

Illustration for article titled What happens when...

Then they got bolder.

Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...
Illustration for article titled What happens when...

No respect these diescasts, no respect at all...