Everyday, I got thousands of messages and LITERALLY not a single question about which casting I love to customize the most. So to answer the question that no one asks, it’s the Chevy trucks. Particularly the older models. Be it the ‘62, ‘83', ‘52, I just can’t leave them alone. From a mere wheelswaps to full-blown race truck. Chopped top? Fine. Jet engines? Bring it on! Wrecker , tanker, Baja truck, it’s all good.

First one I’m gonna show you is this red ‘52 with a big rocket on its back. Like many of my creations it started out as a pile of parts and bits laying around gathering dust. I was going to use the engine on the Pit Cruiser motorcycle. But it was too big, so I scrapped the plan. The Chevy happened to have the perfect size for the rocket. This is the result. Enjoy!


Next week : another red Chevy.

P. S. The ‘thousand message ‘ part was totally made up. 😁😁