Joe Dirt.

Illustration for article titled Joe Dirt.

I’ve never seen the movie Joe Dirt. Some say it’s not a good one. One thing I know, is that he had one of the coolest ride. A Dodge Charger Daytona. Charger  means cool in my dictionary. And that’s good enough for me. As for the movie, I haven’t decided yet if it’s cool or tool. I might have to watch it later.

Illustration for article titled Joe Dirt.
Illustration for article titled Joe Dirt.
Illustration for article titled Joe Dirt.
That’s a Buick Riviera tow ‘truck’. Should I feature it on my next post?
That’s a Buick Riviera tow ‘truck’. Should I feature it on my next post?
Illustration for article titled Joe Dirt.

Ok, thanks for taking a few minutes to read it. If there’s any of you guys have watched the film, please feel free to give your opinions. Spoilers are welcome 😀