When artworks inspired more artworks.

Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.

Hi. My name is Wahyu, and I love to draw. 😊

Doing something different for this post. So what you’re about to see is not entirely diecast-related. Well ok, 50%. A few months ago I had an idea of featuring some of the works from the customizers that inspired me. My way of saying ‘thank you for the inspirations’. There are other people doing the same thing on Instagram. Like, maybe you already know Boosten boys, or Alex Whalley,and of course, our own LaLd Customs. I wanted to do that, by doing what I love the most, which is drawing cars. And so I started selecting my favourite builders from around the world. It’s been about 12 weeks now, and it’s a big fun. And I’m looking forward to more of these. And some of these sketches are going to be delivered to the aforementioned customizers. What a pleasure!


Oh, by the way, our buddy Karan KTech helped me with the idea for the hashtags #Streetcustompicks.

Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.
Illustration for article titled When artworks inspired more artworks.

So,do you recognize whose cars these are?