Project Restoration- '60 Ford Ranchero

I would like to showcase a project that I did.

The result came about due to a mistake that I made and decided to turn a disaster into a beauty of art (as they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder).


So here I added a little diorama and came up with a scenario of a man having to repair his old heap during winter which he found to be very inconvenient.

Illustration for article titled Project Restoration- 60 Ford Ranchero

He decided he had enough and sold it to 3 guys who have a vision of restoring old abandoned and neglected cars. I shall name them from left to right Matt, Theodore and Boxster. This is their first project.

Illustration for article titled Project Restoration- 60 Ford Ranchero
Here we see Matt doing an inspection of the hood of the Ranchero that needs to be restored.
Here we see Matt doing an inspection of the hood of the Ranchero that needs to be restored.
Here Theodore is trying to loosen up some rusted parts underneath while Boxster inspect the wheel and tire.
Here Theodore is trying to loosen up some rusted parts underneath while Boxster inspect the wheel and tire.

After disassembling the rusted and worn out parts they set out to work on the body panels and scraping out the rust.

This image was borrowed from a website.
This image was borrowed from a website.

After much sweat and tears thru trials and errors, they finally restored the Ranchero to its original glory.

Illustration for article titled Project Restoration- 60 Ford Ranchero
Illustration for article titled Project Restoration- 60 Ford Ranchero

Hope you enjoy their little adventure.