Hot Sixty 4th: Tomica - Mazda and Isuzu Patrol cars

In this series I will showcase DLM cars ranging within the 1/64 and smaller. On my 3rd post I’m shifting gears from Hot Wheels to our favorite Tomica. TLVs to be precise which arrived from Japan Booster.

For those not familiar with TLV it stands for Tomica Limited Vintage which is made by Tomy and are the Luxury models of the die cast world as they cost a pretty penny but their detail and workmanship is unbelievable.

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Here we have a couple to Patrol cars most likely from the 60's.

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Here is the Mazda Familia Van Patrol car in Hiroshima. The box does not have the english name of the casting but I’m glad the online store provided the name. I like the look of this casting when it previously came out as a JAF livery but acquiring one means shelling out more than the typical TLV price as it was probably release for a while and only one Japanese online store still carried it. Luckily this one is on sale and with the combine purchase was able to get free shipping.

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Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Tomica - Mazda and Isuzu Patrol cars

The next one is the Isuzu Bellett Tokyo Patrol car.

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This is my first casting of this model and it really looks classy. I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

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Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Tomica - Mazda and Isuzu Patrol cars

Both of these are not recent releases or the most anticipated TLVs but I am pretty happy with them. For collectors of police cars these are a must have.

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Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Tomica - Mazda and Isuzu Patrol cars

If this is your first exposure to TLV and for the price you are paying expecting moving parts like the regular Tomica, you will be disappointed. But don’t let that distract you as once you acquired one, you will be hooked. Till the next TLV.