Hot Sixty 4th: Was ist das?

In this series I will showcase DLM cars ranging within the 1/64 and smaller. Imagine listening to Richard Strauss’ symphonic “Also sprach Zarathustray” as I present my 33rd post.

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Yup the newest tooling by M2 on the beloved Volkswagen which started as a bus or van or however you want to call it and has evolved into different commercial vehicles. Let’s introduce the Volkswagen 1960 double cab truck by M2.

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Technically M2 was not the first to introduce a VW tow truck. Corgi did it in 1966 with their Volkswagen Breakdown Truck (490). The main difference is that M2 did it as a twin or double cab which as far as I know was introduced not too long ago by Jada with their custom over size wheels and tires. There may be European die cast company that may have introduce it as well but the only one I know of was Siku with the T2 double cab pickup and not the T1.

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Also my first T1 double cab pickup is by Tomica with their premium edition.

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Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Was ist das?em/em

I am also happy to say that this did not have any major QC issue so I would like to say to M2 good job and keep it up.

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Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Was ist das?em/em
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Was ist das?em/em

Das ist alles for now.