Hot Sixty 4th: A Car Christmas Carol

For this showcase of DLM cars, I will be providing a story about a man who owns a truck and what happened to him afterwards. Adapted partly from Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol”, here are my 34th post from the newly released VW Double cab truck from M2.

My name is Rooge. The story I am about to tell happened to me. I don’t mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge why it happened but let this be a warning. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come out of the story I am going to relate. I was a proud owner of a VW double cab pickup and it provided good service for many years. One day my pickup wasn’t functioning properly and after consulting with a mechanic I was told this truck wasn’t going to last long due to my negligence in providing the proper maintenance.


There is no doubt that the Volkswagen was having issues and might stop working soon. To make the most I plan to get rid of it by having it fixed using the cheapest parts just to make it work temporarily so I can sell it with as much money as I can get.

I was able to sell it to a naive lady one day before Christmas as she wanted to surprise her husband with a nice practical present which he could use for his work. She told me it was the only savings she had left and she hoped with this truck they would be able to recoup and make ends meet. I should have felt guilty and disclose the problem but I am a business man and I like to think of this as a Christmas bonus. That was a year ago.


Present day Christmas eve. While walking down the street on my way home I noticed a light fog appearing and the further I walk the darker the street became. Then I felt that someone... or something was following me.

“Rooogge” said the voice like an echo. It sounded like my name so I turned around and shrouded in fog, I was staring at what appears to be 2 Volkswagen trucks.

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I was startled and asked, “Who’s there and why are you following me?”

The blue one spoke to me first. “I am the ghost of the VW past.

The other one said, ”And I am the ghost of the VW present.”

I continued to stare at them and it appears both are without drivers.

I said jokingly and nervously,” Is there someone in there or am I actually talking to Mr. and Mrs. trucks?”


“You don’t believe in us.” observed the blue one.

“I don’t.” said I.

“Why do you doubt what you see?”

“Because I am probably seeing a mirage as the fog could play tricks on your eyes.”


At this the blue VW rev it’s engine loudly that made me shudder.

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“Mercy!” I said, “Dreadful apparition, why do you trouble me?”

The Blue VW spoke again. “I came here to show what I was before you abandoned me.”


At this the VW showed a vision of what it was when it was brand new and how I the owner was beaming with pride at what I had.

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I remember how I drove that thing and even raced against another VW truck.

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The vision slowly vanished as the other VW spoke. “I will now show you what had become of me.”

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The ghost of the VW present showed a mechanic inspecting the truck and telling the lady who I sold it to and her husband that this is going to be a very expensive repair.

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“What am I to do with that?” I inquired.

“Mr. Rooge. They depended on that truck to earn a living and now it is not working.


”Is it my fault? I sold it fair and square.”

“Is it? What you may not know is they have a sick child and they depended on that truck and without work they will not be able to pay their medical bills.”

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“Wait.. what sick child? But I didn’t know... Tell me more about it”

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: A Car Christmas Carol

Then the blue VW spoke once more. “I fear our time has now ended. We will leave you now. However you will be visited by one more spirit. The ghost of the VW of yet to come.”

“I ... I rather not.” I said quivering.

“Without that last visit you cannot hope to shun the path that you may regret forever.”

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With that last sentence both trucks slowly vanished