Hot Sixty 4th: JDM January - Seeing Double?

Since today is the last day of January, I wanted to dedicate this post for this month with a JDM. Previously I indicated that I finally found one Matchbox Nissan Skyline at a Dollar Tree. So why do I have 2 in the picture? Are we seeing double?

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Let me fill you in. I had another errand at the weekend and decided to drop by the Dollar Tree to check on possible new Matchbox models. This is the same Dollar Tree that I indicated that I found the Nissan Skyline and it was the only one left.


So dropping by, I saw there was nothing added to the pegs so I just decided to flip thru them to see if I may be interested in any. When my eyes drifted to the bottom, I was surprised to see what appears to be another Nissan Skyline.

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To those new to this hobby or people who stumble upon this page by accident, let me tell you why we are excited to get our hands on these. First of all, it took me a long time to find this model at a shop after it was released and the hunt made me appreciated this model even more. 2nd, the Skyline model is very popular among hobbyist who are into JDM (Japan Domestic Market) or who just love to collect classic cars.

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3rd I (we) wanted 2 of them. Why 2 of the same kind? Usually it may be due to color change or some variation on the external but for this, it was due to the interior. And thanks to some LaLDers and most recently K-Tech217 who reminded me about the interior differences that the Matchbox team created. It was hard to photograph but the circles points out the differences.

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Here I borrowed a photo from Lamley group which gives a much clearer view and I would like to point out the right hand driver seats. One has a seat belt and includes a turbo engine and the one without includes a regular engine.

It was difficult to see the interior with regular store lights so I took the chance to buy it and it did pay off and now I have the 2 variations. Enjoy the rest of the pictures

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Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: JDM January - Seeing Double?
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: JDM January - Seeing Double?
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: JDM January - Seeing Double?