Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day

Welcome again to another DLM cars from 1/64 and smaller and sometimes larger. I was not aware of this but somehow May 10th is considered 510 day in Japan or to be more specific it’s Datsun 510 day so my 67th post is about this specific car.

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day

Introduced in 1967 which coincide with my 67th post, the 510's engineering was inspired by contemporary European sedans, particularly the 1966 BMW 1600-2. It comes in several body styles: a two-door sedan (added in June 1968), a four-door sedan, a five-door station wagon, and a two-door coupé (added in November 1968).

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day

I know this is long overdue from my overseas group hawl as I’ve already shown 2 of the Hi-Story models but left one small box that has the word ALSOK written on it. More on that later.


This model is from Tomica Limited and is indicated as LV-79 Bluebird Sohgo Security Services. That must be what was written in japanese as the box never actually said that in english.

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day

So now it’s time to reveal what ALSOK is. It actually stand for Always Security OK.

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Belated 510 day

If you can’t wait for M2's Datsun 510 you can still acquire this from Amiami.

 Till the next 510 day...