Alert! UCC coffee found....

Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....

in the States.

Ok are we awake now? Before we get all excited, I did find the UCC coffee can in a grocery store san the cars. I know it’s been a while since this buy coffee get free car promo in Japan got us collectors all excited with their Mercedes. It just so happened I read in Lamley group that Hot Wheels and Marjorette released the Mercedes AMG GT in yellow and UCC also had one in the set as well so that made me bring these out of storage for a photo shoot.

Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....
Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....
Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....
Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....
Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....
Illustration for article titled Alert! UCC coffee found....