Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday

I just love the Datsun bluebird sedan and wagon and acquiring this is no small feat. On my 133rd post is to me probably the hottest wagon that Hot Wheels has ever made.

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And it took me some time to finally acquire this beauty as this is a Hot Wheels convention model and you can’t just acquire it in any big box store unless you attend the convention which I didn’t.

So now let’s do the unboxing.

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This box should give you a clue on which convention this was for.

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If you haven’t guess it yet it’s from the 2017 Hot Wheels Mexico Convention.

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday

It comes in acrylic display case.

Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday
Illustration for article titled Hot Sixty 4th: Hottest Wagon for Wednesday

So why do I think this is the hottest wagon? The color combo for one. It has the BRE look on it, comes with Real Riders with.... full tampos all around and nice acrylic case.

Have you noticed that the livery on the wagon is identical to the Brazil convention as well except the name on the acrylic is distinct. Since the Mexico Convention model is a lot cheaper than the Brazil one, I’m glad I waited.