Hour Rule: Now you see them...

Illustration for article titled Hour Rule: Now you see them...

5 days later...

Now you don’t.

Illustration for article titled Hour Rule: Now you see them...


It was 01/18 when I posted that our Target finally got the set after weeks of waiting, I drove over there late Thursday afternoon and never in my wildest dream did I expect to be able to find multiples of the set. The employees must have just stock the pegs not too long ago. I was originally interested in just the 510 but since the others were available, I decided to include 3 other models and left just the white Z as I was not that interested in the color. The following day I kept thinking that maybe I should also purchase the Z as well so I can have a complete set just like my JH1 before it disappears and if I should change my mind I can still return it. So I went back on that day and all the 510s were already taken but still multiples of the other cars. Bought the Z and didn’t check back on the weekend till Monday and everything single casting was gone. Even after going back several times, Target never seems to restock them again. That was a close call.