Sedona's Silver Jeep Tours

Illustration for article titled Sedonas Silver Jeep Tours

You’ve probably heard of Sedona, Arizona’s Pink Jeep Tours. Well, I was grabbing some photos for Frosted’s fall photo contest and decided to make my own tour- with my Matchbox Jeep TJ from the 2000 “Camp Jeep” 5-pack. Since childhood it’s been a favorite of mine, and it finally got a chance to stretch its legs.

Illustration for article titled Sedonas Silver Jeep Tours

Obviously I misread the deadline for the contest, but please enjoy my extremely geeky 1/64 off-roading adventures.

Illustration for article titled Sedonas Silver Jeep Tours
Illustration for article titled Sedonas Silver Jeep Tours
Illustration for article titled Sedonas Silver Jeep Tours
Illustration for article titled Sedonas Silver Jeep Tours