Friday Film

Celebrating over 600,000 seconds of authorship!

Corgi driving school beetle from the mid 70’s, photos and SMA*

Illustration for article titled Friday Film
Illustration for article titled Friday Film
Illustration for article titled Friday Film
Illustration for article titled Friday Film
Illustration for article titled Friday Film

One week ago I was given authorship on this brilliant blog. I had gotten bored and one thing led to another, before I knew it I had made a short stop motion clip of my HotWheels BAJA BUG real rider performing a burnout, complete with simulated tyre smoke using pocket lint for the smoke. Anyway philipilihp(got it right this time!) granted me authorship on here, thanks. I think it was you? (It was a drinking night).

I have learned heaps about die-cast in this past week. As a one week anniversary, celebration, mark the occasion type thing,I made a quick SMA*, apparently that’s industry speak for Stop Motion Animation, I’m even learning other stuff! Below the clip is a link to a great site about the casting used for the Beetle featured, a mid 70’s Corgi Driving School Beetle. Had this for a long time, I got it when I was around 12 or 13 ish, so roughly 30 yrs ago, SHUT UP! I had a love hate relationship with this initially as the model is pretty well detailed but it has a GIANT STEERING WHEEL STICKING OUT OF THE ROOF! These days I don’t mind as it’s a bit different and fun to drive around the desk while on a boring phone call. I’m thinking I may make a series of short clips featuring this car going about its daily business, maybe.

Link to excellent info page…

*SMA, Possible new tag? as I may do more of this occasionally, probably.