Found a Disgusting Moldy Carded Lambo

So I bought it out of curiosity. Also picked up a HW M3 and probably some kind of disease. As many will know I have recently started collecting the odd HW/MBX after many years of hibernation. This Lamborghini Estoque is new to me but has obviously been around for a while. It was in the toy section at the local supermarket, only not with the rest of the HW. Upon picking it up I found the card was bent, moldy and slightly torn. At first I thought an employee at the shop found it behind something somewhere and put it on the shelf but on closer inspection it looks like it’s had a price label that’s been removed. This is strange as this supermarket wouldn’t have used price stickers for over ten years, way before this cast was released. I now think that it may have come from another shop, possibly the dollar shop in the same arcade. I have no idea why they would swap it though, maybe the small shop couldn’t sell it and swapped it for a cast with better packaging? I bought an M3 from there and it has a price sticker in a similar place. I could be wrong and the Lambo was simply discovered and placed out for sale but it seems wierd to me. Any thoughts or theories?

Illustration for article titled Found a Disgusting Moldy Carded Lambo


Illustration for article titled Found a Disgusting Moldy Carded Lambo
Illustration for article titled Found a Disgusting Moldy Carded Lambo
Illustration for article titled Found a Disgusting Moldy Carded Lambo

The M3 is from the dollar shop, they had an old HW stand in there last week with this hanging on it with one other cast. The stand was gone today and the two cards were on a shelf. I asked about the stand and they said it was out the back, asked if I could have it if they were throwing it out. She said that she wanted to keep it and use it for other stuff. :(

Illustration for article titled Found a Disgusting Moldy Carded Lambo

I had trouble getting an angle that didn’t have that ‘light spot flare thing’ going on so made use of it. Yeah that’s right 13 be scared , I’m getting into light effects now...