I got 'em!!

Illustration for article titled I got em!!
Illustration for article titled I got em!!

No, I didn’t order golf balls...

Illustration for article titled I got em!!

..or old newspapers..

Illustration for article titled I got em!!

...or...WHAT? Honestly officer it’s not mine. Oh hang on, it’s just tissue paper! Phew.

Illustration for article titled I got em!!

Oh yes!

Illustration for article titled I got em!!

OH YES YES!! They’re mine!!

Well I’ll accept the Jeep is probably a truck as UTES!! should really have a bonnet or hood, depending on your planetary location. That is a minor detail anyway. Both of these are from the late 1950’s so they have survived pretty well, plus they don’t build ‘me like they used to. I just love these old casts!

Illustration for article titled I got em!!
Illustration for article titled I got em!!
Illustration for article titled I got em!!
Illustration for article titled I got em!!

I’ll get some better shots in the near future, most likely involving some ORAT action.

I almost didn’t bid on them as they had gone over what I was comfortable with but rembered some advice on a price estimate from Fintail, with his words in mind I placed a higher bid and won the auction! Thanks for the help there kind sir.


Also thanks to Blue2010SRT for telling me about an excellent site with good info on these vintage Corgi casts.

Link for more info on the Corgi Jeep FC 150: http://www.chezbois.com/corgi/1959/Mod…


And some more info on the Corgi Land Rover: http://www.chezbois.com/corgi/1957/Mod…

Hee hee.