Real Rider Conspiracy Theory

I think I know why we can’t buy Real Rider wheel sets anymore.

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Sorry casts, your wheels are just too nice. If these cost the full retail there would be $72 AUD worth of donors here, on sale it cost $30 :(

This is a mini rant, I try not to rant usually but I will just this one time. (Probably more as I get older) In the quest for Real Riders for customs we are forced to buy these wonderful, and more expensive, special edition casts for donors. This sucks. Now many will know I’ve only recently returned to die cast collecting. With my return I’ve discovered HW/MBX customs are a thing and have started attempting some. In just over 3 months I’ve gone from never drilling out a rivet to willingly destroying some nice casts just for its wheels. I understand that Hot Wheels did sell packs of Real Riders but no longer have them available. I don’t know if this is an old discussion or not but I have a conspiracy theory on why they were withdrawn from sale.


Here goes. By selling the wheels sets the sales of the more expensive casts fitted with Real Riders would have dropped by a huge amount. If you think about the numbers that get destroyed vs collected it would have to be at least 50/50 and probably more on the donor side really. This means a big drop in profits on those lines but not an equal profit coming in from the wheel sets to balance it, if anything it probably cost them (HW) a fair bit of their profit margin.

Anyway that’s my thoughts on why we can’t buy the wheel sets any longer, now I’m off to replace my hat, the foil stops doing its job after a few months.

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This is a Hawl from last week, the majority of the confectionery series are wheel donors. Only the Spock Chevy, the Camino UTE and one of the Peeps T3 are to be spared the drill. It’s a little sad and a lot expensive, even on sale these are $5 AUD each.

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One shop, one box. It’s a Hot Wheels case as well!!