Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

Sonzilla chose a new car for his collection today. Personally I don’t go for non real world cars but as he’s only 2.5 I let him have this one and he’s too young to know any better. I was having a close look at it and found it has some cool features. The cast its self seems to be a mongrel in that it’s made up of elements of various real life 4x4’s. The grill and bonnet is reminiscent of the early 70 series Landcruiser and the doors remind me of Land Rover Deffender units. Can’t really make out the inspiration for the rest of the body, maybe some Jeep, but in general most of the old real 4x4’s had a box for a body so it’s all of them I suppose?

Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

Firstly I noticed the tampos are very nicely done and highlight things like externally mounted fire extinguishers on the rear pillar with an axe and a shovel on alternate sides.

Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog
Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

The spare wheel bugs me as its not the same size as the other ones. As its not my cast I’ll get over it but come on MBX! If he gets a flat tyre even just 20 meters from home that’s a long drive back at 1:64 scale on a space saver. What is it with car companies these days? Ok, bridge built, I’m over it

Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

The roof rack contains all the things you need in most ORAT situations. Starting at the bottom of the photo there is a case or trunk, above that a tote bag and jerry can. Then at the front of the rack a chainsaw, a drum possibly for fresh water and a curious looking circular thing that looks like a dog bowl? Strange.

Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

After looking at this cast in detail I noticed that the roof rack was able to be removed easily, so I did.

Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

Cool! Open top ORATing!

Illustration for article titled Hidden Details of the Dune Dog

Huh! It’s a dog? That must be a dog bowl on the roof rack! The designers of these casts must love doing their job.

Thanks for checking it out.

Here’s a link to the MBX page on this cast if you want more info. No mention of the dog though, poor thing.
