Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]

EDIT: All the names suggested so far have been great but keep them coming in, even if you already have one or more posted. Each one has made me laugh, great work!

Ok, this could be dangerous. I’ve made this 510 UTE!! but have drawn a blank as far as a name for it goes. If you have an idea for a name please put it forward in a reply to this post . Let’s see what LaLD can come up with. I have no preference, anything rated PG or SFW will be considered! All suggestions will go into a goverment registered ice ream bucket and be drawn by Sonzilla on Friday morning our time(AU). The winning entry will be announced sometime Friday night. Possibly in a stop motion clip but just as equally possibly not :)


Only thing I suggest when thinking of a name is not to focus on the color of the UTE!! as a repaint is happening soon. Some minor but significant damage occurred while shooting some earlier photos. In a nut shell the backboard fell on the UTE!! I was afraid to pick up the board fearing the worst but while a small crack has appeared in the newly formed B pillar the damage is minor. It also tested out the durability of the glue wheel swap method and I’m pleased to report that it held up well and the axles haven’t even bent.

In a reply to an earlier post mycarneverruns87 suggested some photos of the 510 UTE!!* with a Caddy. As I’m easily influenced here they are.

Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]
Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]
Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]
Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]
Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]
Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]
Illustration for article titled Name The 510 UTE!! [Finishes on Thursday night, more names please.]

Thanks for checking it out and double thanks if you have a suggestion.