Custom: Wheel Swap Glue Method on Video

LIVE! Not stop motion! Ok, I’ve been hibernating for a couple of days. Today I had a couple of minutes of spare time to shoot my first ‘live action’ video. This is just a run through of how I do my wheel swaps using the ABS glue method on plastic bases. It’s suitable for all languages as I don’t say a word and fairly self explanatory I think when watching the clip. The details of the process are in text in the linked post.

Illustration for article titled Custom: Wheel Swap Glue Method on Video

I have updated this method as I came to the realisation I should just use the axles that HW gives us! So instead of using dressmaking pins I cut the head from one end of the axles and use these to form the hole. Once the glue has set the axle is pulled out and cut to length. The second set of wheels from the donor wheels provide the other required axles, one short axle per wheel, simple! Plus the end result looks stock if the cast is displayed, pick it up and the rivet mods are visible of course.

WARNING: Turn your speakers down as the radio is going in the background but has come out very loud on the video, sorry. This will probably have to be redone as I think there’s some issues with music & YouTube anyway, see what happens. Watch it while it’s up! Or not, up to you. :)


Let me know in the comments if any info in the clip isn’t clear or if you have any questions about this.


Philipilihp found the glue is available readily in the USA and supplied this link:…