Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap

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I should feel bad about this but I don’t. I’ve got a few old Vitesse casts that are not as mint as they once were. The paint is showing signs of age and poor handling/storage by a slightly younger me. I’ve also got a few of the larger Real Riders left over from harvesting wheels for swaps. As they are too big for most of the 1:64 customs I’ve done so far I thought I’d see how they looked on a 1:43 model, personally I think they fit well.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap

I really struggled getting decent shots, red is a hard colour for me to get right still. This thing looks much better in reality.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap

These casts are screwed together so wheel swaps are pretty easy and non-destructive. It’s simple to swap the originals back in with no signs of disturbance to the cast.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap

The original wheels on the bug were the same as the wheels on the blue bug, exept in red. Those red wheels look great on the blue bug if it’s dumped as well but that’s for another future TT post.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap

The look of this now reminds me of a ‘Cal Look’ bug, stripped of most of the chrome, some nice rims and lowered. There is a lot of variation in that style but I think this would fit in that genre. I’ll leave you with a few shots with different lighting and crappy background.

Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap
Illustration for article titled Teutonic Tuesday: Vintage Vitesse Wheel swap

Happy Teutonic Tuesday!