Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause

EDIT: It’s the final hours of this fundraising event. There are still some nice casts that aren’t crazy prices, hopefully they will go a little higher but it all will help. Please check it out if you haven’t already.

Thanks to all who’ve read this post in the past and for your support, also for looking again at the repost. :)


The eBay auctions have started, bidding has already gone crazy on one item.

Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause

Here’s the link for the auction page:…

So a few weeks ago I did a custom on a Matchbox ‘69 Cadillac Sedan Deville some may have seen here. I posted it both here on LaLD and Instagram and it was fairly well recieved. It was particularly popular on my IG account. At this time I noticed a fundraising campaign going on for a diecast customiser in the U.S. named Adam Beal. It has the goal of raising money to help with the mounting medical bills associated with the treatment of his wife’s breast cancer. Having plenty of experience with my own family members Cancer battles I thought I’d offer the Cadillac as a donation to be auctioned off on eBay. There were a few guys pledging their customs. I hoped that as the Cadillac had been fairly popular (compared with my usual IG posts up to that point!) it may get some cash at auction to help out. After asking a couple of guys on IG I was directed to Greg Hanna (@gh_customs) who is one member of a group of customisers organising the auction. After discussing my offer I found there was a theme going for pink cars for breast cancer awareness. So I started on another Caddy custom right away and sent it over. It was sent on the 28th October and arrived only 8 days later on the 5th November! That’s about half the usual time it takes from AU to the USA, amazing! Anyway the whole thing was organised in secret from the Beals but by the time this is posted they will be aware of the upcoming auctions.


I along with my contact don’t know the Beals personally, what I do know is Adam and his wife, Jamie married 10 1/2 years ago. Adam was 20 years old at the time, Jamie had two kids from a previous relationship so an instant family was formed. I won’t go into details here but I’ll just say that I believe their lives have been much better since meeting Adam, who also was in need of some stability in his life. (from what I can gather from info he has made public. (I’m not a stalker!))

Anyway quite a number of fine custom casts (pictured below) have been donated for the eBay auction which starts on the 23rd of November and finishes on the 3rd of December. The sales_baron is handling the sales through eBay with 100% of the proceeds to go to the Beals to help pay for the huge expenses associated with the treatments/operations of this crappy disease.

Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause

Ok, pictured below are the 24 custom casts going up for auction. Some very nice customs in the group. I’ll update this post once the auctions are live with a link to the eBay seller.

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Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause

^^Here’s mine^^ Yes, that’s my IG name!

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Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause
Illustration for article titled Auctions are finished: Customs for a Cause

So there’s plenty of choices, hopefully this auction is a great success and can help raise some much needed funds for the Beals. If you can help then brilliant, if not then hopefully you enjoyed the selection of fine customs here.

Thanks for looking.

(Sorry if the image quality is not great, all shots are screenshots from IG)

Thanks again to everyone here on LaLD, Jeff and colleagues at the HQ for continued support of this amazing event.


Disclaimer: I’ve had no part in the organisation or administration of this event. I have only donated one custom for the auction and published this post to help promote the cause.