This can't be good

While looking for some info on Zamak I found this news in an industry newsletter published in the last few hours. I’ve pasted some of the bad news below but for full details check out the link.

“An upcoming Zinc shortage will severely affect some well loved household names within the children’s toy manufacturing industry as soon as 2018.”An unnamed industry source let slip at a function early this morning. “The price of zinc is expected to rise significantly due to turmoil in the mining sector”. “and (Zinc) may possibly become the most expensive commodity behind silver and may reach higher prices within the decade (2020).


In related news Mattel is in the process of being sold as it struggles in turning a profit for the fourth year in succession. A dubious Chinese company that has a history of destroying well loved brands is said to be the new owner after a silent take over was recently approved.

More info: