Honey Hole Haul: First Edition

Some of you may have caught my earlier posts of the amazing den of happiness that is Pit Stop Models. If so you’ve seen the massive variety of casts available. Making a decision was extremely difficult as you’d imagine but decisions were made. As I filled a small box by the time I walked out I’ve decided to split the posts into groups of related casts.

Above is a column graph representing my wallet thickness during the time I spent in the store.
Above is a column graph representing my wallet thickness during the time I spent in the store.

May as well start off with the 1998 First Editions from Hot Wheels. These were all $4 each which is only $1 above current mainline prices locally. The guy had them there as a favour for someone and doesn’t deal in much Hot Wheels or Matchbox. I know very little about this 1998 line or most of the casts. I just picked up the ones that appealed to me.

Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition
Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition

That’s it for the HW but I did find another cast of interest. I had a mate in my childhood that had one of the casts below. Always wanted one and it’s taken 30+ years to get, patience pays off.

Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition

It shoots the supplied missiles but boys being boys we found match sticks would fit perfectly. As a bonus they’d have enough length to leave the head protruding making flaming missiles a reality. Great times, so many disfigured plastic soldiers...


I’m going to need to get a loose one as this is now 40 years old and I just can’t open it.

I’ve had a few requests for info on the shop so here’s a business card for those interested. The guy running it was great to deal with and ships worldwide.

Illustration for article titled Honey Hole Haul: First Edition

Thanks for looking.