[Custom] F-250

Illustration for article titled [Custom] F-250

I found a fresh hanging of the Hot Wheels Car Culture Trucks!! I’ll post them all later after I’ve DLM’d them. For now please accept this mild custom F-250. I’ve removed the rack and added some paint details up front.


Happy weekend humans!

Illustration for article titled [Custom] F-250

Found a OO scale rubbish skip that works great in this scale as well. Made by Hornby and came as a pair of skips, each with different crap in them. Not cheap but I don’t buy rubbish...oh wait,...um,..... never mind.

Illustration for article titled [Custom] F-250

I love this cast and have both versions. The wheels on both just don’t fit right but the rest of it is well done enough for me to overlook that. I will fix it at some point.

Illustration for article titled [Custom] F-250

Thanks for looking.