Friday HAWL, Can't Wait For Flea Market Edition + HWEP

So it's Friday, and I was out after work hoping to get a Cool Classics for a LALDer here. Didn't find what I was looking for in one of my regular Target stores, but I found a CRX Cool Classics instead, along with a '47 Chevy Fleetline in the same flavor.

Then I stopped by a local Jewel to get some bread, and I moseyed over the Hot Wheels section, and I finally found that other Ferrari 5-pack that I was hoping to see again, so I grabbed that as well.


Finally, when I got home, my HWEP with JeffSimmons arrived along with an extra Toyota pickup, which I truly appreciate, since now I don't have to open my same copy of that truck from my collection! :D

Illustration for article titled Friday HAWL, Cant Wait For Flea Market Edition + HWEP
Illustration for article titled Friday HAWL, Cant Wait For Flea Market Edition + HWEP

Now I really can't wait for the flea market!

Illustration for article titled Friday HAWL, Cant Wait For Flea Market Edition + HWEP