HAWL: Stood Up On A Date Edition

Pardon the click-bait nature of the title, but that's exactly how my day went.

I was supposed to go on a date today. The plan was to just hang out at the mall. I got there ahead, so I decided to kill some time and check out a store that sells hot wheels (older castings) every now and then. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they restocked, so I indulged myself. Unfortunately, thats when I got a text from her, saying that she's "not feeling well", despite the fact that she was hanging out with her girls earlier.

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After that affair, I went to a nearby Target to grab something, and I saw this treasure hunt on the peg.

Illustration for article titled HAWL: Stood Up On A Date Edition

I decided to leave it behind, though. I was thinking that maybe, some kid will find it, and thus encourage him/her to get into collecting. I made sure that I neatly put it back in a random peg, and restocked the same peg with other cars, just to discourage the scalpers.