I couldn't believe my luck...

Illustration for article titled I couldnt believe my luck...

Because I’ve finally found this. I have this exact SX4 running around my bedroom, something I haggled from a friend years ago, the only difference being that the rear wing has detached (cleanly, BTW, not snapping between the joining ends), and I’ve already considered it a performance version of a regular SX4.


And you know what’s better? The written stuff you see below.

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I also had both Focus models, but the Stobart has ended up in a ditch never to be recoverd, and the other one is nothing but the body shell, though I found out that it’s easy to swap with the SX4. And both Subies and the Evo X are shit I wanna get after some time.

For now, let me revel in my happiness. A small article about the SX4 and Focus WRC shell I have will come in tomorrow, or until I find the former (it’s missing).

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And it gets even better. Check all of these out!