Enormous loophole spotted. DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!

Illustration for article titled Enormous loophole spotted. DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!

So many gates opened when Mattel got the chance to feature Forza and Gran Turismo in 1:64. Of course, so many little tunnels opened, too. And the biggest one was so obvious I’m baffled I only realized it in less than 24 hours.



Illustration for article titled Enormous loophole spotted. DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!

Ya sure you’re ready?

Illustration for article titled Enormous loophole spotted. DO NOT TELL ANYONE!!!

This is the final warning, kiddo.

If you scroll down, there’s no turning back.

Don’t worry, this isn’t The Force Awakens spoilers.

It’s much, much, much worse than any movie spoiler ever.

Oy, this message will self-destruct so that no one can tell anyone on us.

LAST CALL!!! Don’t blame me if word spreads and big bosses get notified!!!












Forza and GT carry Ferrari licenses, right? Maybe, Mattel can use the connection, agree that only those that have been produced in the mainline will be released, simply add the game logo on (like the NFS one), and release Ferraris on either the premium or the mainline and say it’s part of a Forza or GT series?


Well, there you go. Discuss, but this message has to stay here and only here. You know how hard Ferrari spins.