Mail order Hot Wheels?

When I went to look for Hot Wheels worth blowing Php500 for, I found the Käfer Racer, the beige Fairlady 2000, and not much else. I didn’t take them—they ain’t my thing—but I also realized as I flipped the pegs that the malls I’m in are maybe two cases (three?) behind the US, and I went home with 0 cars.

This totally disappointing trip made me wonder: what if I just hooked up with a guy that can buy the toy car for me (or pills from his pallet), and pay him COD with the car delivered to me thru regular mail? Can I pre-order cars, even? I’m fearing that the guy might bump Php20 over current prices, unless I buy in bulk, or that the shipping could be exorbitant. Either way, how do you suppose I make this work?
