Goodwill 50¢ HAWL

So Started the day a bit bummed I was off work, not by choice but I guess we are slow.

So my wife wanted to go out and be at a school that was having a closing the doors sale and she is looking into homeschooling. Well after $50 worth of learning stuff and $9 of some stuff picked out there was a free to a good home bin with pencil trays & crayons, but the winner was a toaster oven! I wanted one for the garage for bearings and after I read a custom post about baking painted hot wheels for a better finish I plugged it in & grabbed it.


On the way home there is a Goodwill store. I work construction and pants get holes now & then so a $5 pair is good enough. And we bought a set of table & 6 chairs for $30. Then while I was checking out that my wife mentioned a tub of 50¢ cars.

Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL

I dug through for about 10-15 minutes and 22 good ones & 1 NASCAR for my father in law who is a Kyle Petty fan and has a bunch of his cars, & my wife mentioned it, so 50¢ is OK to justify the other $10.50 .

And now the Haul:

Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL
Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL
Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL
Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL
Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL
Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL
Illustration for article titled Goodwill 50¢ HAWL