Dirty Dozen: Odd Cars and OddBalls

Hello fellow LALDiecast people, its time for another Dirty Dozen post, where I go through my childhood cars and see if anything pops out or is interesting.


This week, I decide to choose cars that didn't really fit in any category, and ones with outrageous color schemes. Or anything else that I thought was of interest. Hope you enjoy it! What am I saying, I know you guys will!

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Generic - This is a cheap car, probably a dollar store one. But its pretty cool because MONSTER TRUCK! The decal on the side is of a viking on fire or something. Pretty sure I grew some chest hair just by looking at this pic.

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Hot Wheels [1987] -It looks like a F1 racer, doesn't it? It also reminds me of a fighter jet. The top of it says "inter cooled" and "F-3". The top and bottom pieces are metal, with the chrome middle part plastic.

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Hot Wheels [1990] -Not sure what car this is, but I'm pretty sure its based off of a real car. The sparkly paint is pretty wicked though. And I'm loving the wheels too!.

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Hot Wheels Flame Runner [1983] - Thats a massive engine in the back! I think its a v8. I'm guessing the red piece is a gun for the....future apocalypse? I really like the gold color, it really brings the car to life. Don't think it would work on any other car though.

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Mattel [1983] - Ah, this is a classic HW's fantasy car; the shark. Now, I'm not a big fan of the fantasy cars, but you got to love the shark car. It's just....awesome. Who wouldn't want to drive a car that looks like a shark? The guy no longer rolls though, :(. At least the engine says "Shark V8" on it, which is still pretty cool.

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Matchbox Jaguar XJ220 [s=1:64][1992] - I never realized that this car was based off a actual car. I thought it was made up. Plus, a Jaguar? Never expected that. This guy is all plastic, and the color-scheme is....weird if I'm honest. Still a nice mold though.

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Warner [1993] -The bottom just says "Warner", so I have no info on this car. It's a big scale from the looks of it. Inside is a big seat that sits one person. Very futuristic looking, very cool.

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Matchbox Harley Davidson [1980] - Yes, I've been holding out, I have a Harley. I actually remember getting this guy. It came with a playset, which I still have. Did anyone else have the playsets?

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??? - No information on this guy, so any will be appreciated. But this guy flips from hot rod...

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...to speedster. How wicked is that?

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Matchbox Peugeot Quasar [s=1:57][1986] - Again, I thought this guy was made up until I read the bottom. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was a Peugeot! I have a Peugeot diecast!!! Anyways, I really like the futuristic look of this guy. Plus, the color scheme is awesome.

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Hot Wheels [1982] - I think its a BMW, but not sure. And it has louvers on the rear window. Plus, the bat-crazy paint scheme. Can you imagine what it would be like to have the car behind you with a paint scheme like this? Would you run in fear or give them a high-five? :)

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Hot Wheels [1988] - My coup d'etat, need I say more? Not sure what the original mold was based off of, but it was an excellent choice. And why yes, those are missiles in the trunk, thanks for asking!

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And as always, which one did you guys like the most?