Got a mopar hawl

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Sorry for the horrible portrait pic, camera is still bad. But this is my reward, that I bought for myself, because I felt like I deserved it; a AW ‘71 Dodge Dart Swinger.


A reward for what you ask? Because I’m in full body pain cuz I did yard work, by myself yesterday, from 8:30 to 12 straight. I trimmed the brush, rake leaves, even weed whacked 90% of my yard; though all my lawn mowers (read, three) all don’t work for one reason or another.

Then at noon I took a shower, ate lunch, and laid down for a minute only to hear a lawn mower in my backyard. My awesome neighbor is mowing my lawn since I can’t, so I go back outside to pick up debris in the yard to protect his mower. Also discovered two blackberry bushes and three mulberry trees, so that’s neat. Also got completely dirty again.


After that I went to my grandparents to get an adapter for the air compressor, only to discover someone gave me a golf cart, so that’s pretty wicked.

But yeah, my body was worn out yesterday, didn’t feel it to later that night. Still felt it this morning. So when we went to Walmart today and MrsZtp found the car in the clearance section, I pretty much just threw it in the cart and gave her puppy dog eyes. That or she didn’t want to argue. Either way, I win. Plus I've been wanting this guy.