LaLD Defintions - 8/17/15

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Wow, I realized this morning that I haven’t posted the current lald terms definitions lately, so sorry about that! So here you go, all the definitions that I have so far. This is great for new members to know what the terms and abbreviations are for, and a refresher for the older members. Check it out and have a look.


The terms and abbreviations here, with their definitions, are commonly/repeatedly used but never clarified in the context of the average and normal post. This definition’s guide aims to bring everyone on the same so all laldiecasters will know what the other is talking about. Think of it as a lald dictionary, :).

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1:1 - a real car size.

1/X scale - a model that is X times smaller than its real life component.

3” - diecast cars made to fit the packaging, usually around the 1:64 scale.

5” - diecast cars made to fit the packaging, usually around the 1:36-1:38 scale.

AUTOart - diecast brand.

AW - AutoWorld - diecast brand.

BaDT - Bring a Diecast Trailer - post theme.

Carded/on the card - a diecast in its original packaging.

Cd’M - Concourse d’Modella - our signature review

Dirty [cars] - a term made up by ztp’s wife to define used diecast cars, or cars with a patina.


DLM - Diecast Liberation Movement - essentially opening a package to get the diecast inside.

DSD - Diecast Supply Drop - Frosted’s special diecast car giveaway.

Ertl - diecast brand that currently specializes in tractors.

FP - front page aka Jalopnik

GL - GreenLight Toys - diecast brand.

Hawl (haul) - a slang term for obtaining (a) new diecast(s).

Hour rule - stolen from Oppo; it’s where if no new posts occur within an hour of the last newest post, you can make a post titled ‘hour rule’ to break up the monotony.


HW - Hot Wheels - diecast brand.

HWC - Hot Wheels Collectors(.com) - website for selling HWs stuff.

hwep - Hot Wheels Exchange Program - what we call trading our cars.

IG - Instagram

ihwep - International hwep.

JL - Johnny Lightning - diecast brand.

Lald - Live and Let Diecast - this awesome site.

LPaG - Let’s Play a Game - post series that ztp has created.

M2 - M2 Machines - diecast brand.

MBX - Matchbox - diecast brand

Maisto - a diecast brand

MCNR87 - mycarneverruns87 - beloved Admin. on lald.

Motor Max - a diecast brand

ORAT - Off Road All the Things - a post theme.

RL - real life, aka, 1:1 scale.

RLC - Red Line Club - special HWC members who get first chance dibs at cars being sold.


RAOK - Random Act Of Kindness - secretly giving additional cars in a hwep.

Teuton/Teutonic - referring to the German or Germanic people.

TTB - Traveling Torchbug - a diecast beetle that is passed along to different users so it can travel the world.


T-Hunted - Brazilian diecast news website.

TL -Tomica Limited - special line of Tomica cars.

TLV - Tomica Limited Vintage - special line of Tomica cars.

Tomica - a diecast brand.

TSC - Tractor Supply Company - a store.

TRU - Toys’r’us - a store.

Uly - El_Uly - admin and user, also loves cookies.

Zamac - clear coat HWs cars sold through a specific retailer, currently Walmart.

ztp - that zeontestpilot guy, and a user.