Selling Dioramas?

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The other day I was talking to my mom and she mentioned that she had shown my dioramas to a few people and they asked if I sold them. So I’m wondering if I should seriously look into it...


I’ve thought about it in the past, and for me to sell them I’d need all new materials. I’m currently using borrowed materials and I refuse to use them for something I’d sell. Also the size, it would have to be something small enough to be shipped to keep costs down. It would also be convenient if I didn’t take orders, instead I just make one and sell it as is. Though I’m not against new inspiration, I just don’t like the idea of me selling an experimental diorama (like the rally one) when I’m still figuring out how do to things. I hope that makes sense.

Illustration for article titled Selling Dioramas?

I was thinking of a dirt road in front of a rock structure, sort of like the pic above, but not so large in scale. Maybe 12" x 6"? ( I’m guessing here). The purpose would be for scenic photo ops.

Would anyone be interested in something like this? The only downfall would be the cost. I estimate it maybe around $35-$45, which to a cheapskate like me, is pricey. But I would need to cover the costs of supplies and to make sure I make money on each one instead of loosing money. Lald’s thoughts?