Shelf Diorama - Update

So the other day I realized that the foamboard I’ve been semi-using as a backdrop in some of my pics, was the right height for a sidewalk. And since I wanted to move the project forward, I decided to sacrifice it.

Mock up
Mock up

I did notice that the 9" of parking spot height was a bit much, but the COE and the S-10 were very long so I couldn’t reduce the height to 8" without hindering those two. Oh well, it’ll allow future large cars to be on display.

Also, the foamboard is thick enough so that some of the cars can hang their front bumper over it, just like in RL! :).

Do you like how I just keep all my supplies on the ground? :p
Do you like how I just keep all my supplies on the ground? :p

I used Elmers glue to apply the foamboard to the wood, so far it’s working. As soon as the foamboard was lined up, I carefully put these heavy planks of wood on top, since I didn’t feel like digging out old school books, :p.

Fun fact, Casa Mamita salsa from Aldi’s is delicious.
Fun fact, Casa Mamita salsa from Aldi’s is delicious.

Glued down and ready for the next step.

I like how the carpet continues into the bathroom, because bathrooms never get wet.
I like how the carpet continues into the bathroom, because bathrooms never get wet.

I took a hobby knife and carefully trimmed it down.

When we replace the carpet, we should get something lighter in color, so it can hide my messes better, :).
When we replace the carpet, we should get something lighter in color, so it can hide my messes better, :).

Naturally I had to do the other side as well.

oh yeah, I found a place that sells scaled lumber, so maybe i can make my own park benches! :).
oh yeah, I found a place that sells scaled lumber, so maybe i can make my own park benches! :).

And this is what it looks like now. I believe my next step will be re-drawing the lines for everything, then marking on the edge where everything should line up, then perhaps spackle it? At this point I’m making it up as I go, since I’m semi-following my original plans, lol.