Type 2 Hawl

This GL type 2 pickup from the Blue Collar series caught my attention. Not sure why, since I’m not a massive VW fan, and I already had 3 type 2 buses, but I really like this casting. It was... different... I like different.

Illustration for article titled Type 2 Hawl

It’s the same length as a regular type 2 bus, just taller and more truck-like. The wheels are a new design, I believe.

Illustration for article titled Type 2 Hawl

The canopy is pretty tall...

Illustration for article titled Type 2 Hawl

... and removable! Not much going on underneath though. The canopy sits on top of the rack.

Illustration for article titled Type 2 Hawl

I don’t need any more type 2s, lol.