MSFS 2020 is amazing and you should try it

Detroit looks fantastic! Their photo scan data must have been during the Grand Prix setup months. Detroit is one of the cities where there is proper 3D photographic data present

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Illustration for article titled MSFS 2020 is amazing and you should try it
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GM Tech Center looks impressive as heck, missing the iconic water towers and the design dome is kind of funky. I’m impressed the 3D photographic data extends this far from down town

Illustration for article titled MSFS 2020 is amazing and you should try it
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Complex 3D shapes look odd superimposed on rectangular building models.

Illustration for article titled MSFS 2020 is amazing and you should try it
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Some work needs to be done on parked cars and small trees too. In general though it’s absolutely mind blowing how good the game is. Can’t wait to see what kinds of updates we get moving forward. MSFS gamertag Bandit1489 if anyone wanted to do multiplayer things.