An Oval F150 for $12,500

I originally published this with so many spelling errors, my bad, I fixed it

Trucks like this made me wish I had property, namely because having land and an old American pickup go together like the proverbial apple pie and chevrolet. Only this time its a very Blue f150 from the blue oval. Not everyone likes these rounded F150s, and for reasons I can’t exactly understand Ford went ahead with this design despite their own doubts - they produced it along side the squarebody until the late 90s (97 I think?). I would think maybe they would want to maybe reconsider it, but oh well, I like it no matter the logic or what people say.


The deep, flawless blue and that perfect chrome, those teardrop alloys look so right. This is also the prefacelift with the smaller front grill and larger foglights, it looks so positively 90s. If thats original paint count me as stunned. There’s a little nostalgia playing into my attraction to this truck, when I was a kid I had tons of diecasts of these, including a 1/24th in this exact color.

The interior is a time capsule- I imagine climbing in such a survivor would be strange in 2018, these trucks have been looking pretty ratty lately. Everything is droopy, I’ve read some descriptions of these interiors having a melted look and I couldn’t agree more, but again I kind of like it.


I’m not so sure about those Triton V8s, having OHC in a pickup is kind of a turn off and, aside from Crown Vics, I don’t hear or see good things about them in terms of reliability or maintenance. They sure do sound cool though, I’ve always appreciated their unique starter sound when they crank up.

The owner is asking 12.5k for this four wheel drive, one senior owned XLT, that seems pretty crazy if you ask me, even if it does only have 73k on it. But maybe somebody out there is willing enough to pay that to own such a nice example of this usually unloved, yet popular 90s emblem. Whatever the case may be, I like it, I don’t wholly understand why, shiny-pretty I guess. What do you all think?