Saying Goodbye...

Illustration for article titled Saying Goodbye...

The 2009 Forester is gone. All good things must come to an end; however, I wish this one wasn’t so sudden. After the diagnosis of head-gasket failure, I knew it was time to move on.


I ended up selling it to a former co-worker as is. He plans to perform the repair himself, and he should have no trouble getting it back on the road. I would have held onto it for longer, however I’m not in a position to undertake such a repair myself. I wasn’t going to pay a shop the quoted ~$3,200 to get it back on the road, either. Reliable transportation is what matters most at this point in my life, as boring as that is.

Illustration for article titled Saying Goodbye...

The Forester was my immediate family’s first Subaru, and was the first car that was actually mine. It was the car behind my user handle. At over 10 years, it had a good run, though it feels like it was cut short. It will continue to live on, I have no doubt.

Something new is here though; a hopefully worthy successor:

Illustration for article titled Saying Goodbye...

A separate post is coming shortly!