Celica Supra Update

It now runs, drives and stops! Replaced fuel pump and hoses needed replacing and I had to drop the tank. Plugs kept the ends of the plug wires at some point, so I repaired the broken crimps and sorted a miss.

Lots of other electrical gremlins too keep me tied up like a pretzel under the dash. AC needed help but it now blows cold too. All in all now, 90% is functional (c’mon door locks). This one might be a keeper.


Supra needs a dash, two seat skins ($ourced?) transmission drain/fill and a brake flush. Radio is aftermarket and head unit is the worst I have ever seen so I might be forced to do that too. Oh, and all the bits and bobs I might be mi$$ing.

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Illustration for article titled Celica Supra Update
Illustration for article titled Celica Supra Update
Illustration for article titled Celica Supra Update
Illustration for article titled Celica Supra Update
Illustration for article titled Celica Supra Update