
Illustration for article titled Disaster

Late last month on Memorial Day, I bent down into my mini-fridge and felt a sharp pain in my left leg. Another sharp pain appeared in my right leg. Moments later, I couldn’t stand up anymore.


What followed was 24 Hours of excruciating pain as all the muscles in my left leg and lower back spasmed. I was admitted into the hospital where an MRI revealed that I have a herniated disc. The material in the disc is pinching a major nerve trunk running down the left leg. That’s right; my clutch leg is fucked up.

An ‘Asteroid Corvette’
An ‘Asteroid Corvette’

I was hoping to get some good news from the doctor on monday, but instead he tells me I’m not going to be able to work for another six weeks and not to lift anything heavier than a jug of milk. Also, the single epidural shot I was supposed to get is now going to be 3, and if I don’t improve after that, it’s going to be back surgery.

FML, man.