Should I use gravel or road base...

or recycled concrete or recycled asphalt? I have 400' of dirt driveway going to and around my shop. It’s a heavy clay dirt which is fine when dry and an unholy mess when wet. I can’t drive on it until it dries out after a rain or snow and for weeks/months in the spring.

I would like something that doesn’t track in dust/rocks/toxins. Recycled asphalt sounds nice but I read it’s best put down in the summer and I worry about toxins on my dogs paws.


I’m thinking I could level out road base or gravel by hand with a steel rake after the delivery truck does a rolling dump. I calculate about 70 tons so it’d be my upper body workout for the next 6 months.

I wouldn’t do any prep. Just have him rolling dump on top of the dirt. The driveway gets used maybe 30 times a year so I figure the proper base prep isn’t needed. I feel like paying someone to lay down a proper driveway is overkill for my use case.


My question is: what type of material should I use?

Secondary question if you think I’m being an idiot is “should I pay someone to do a proper job?” Which I think is overkill. I can’t imagine the cost of that. Road base is going to be over $3000 for materials only.

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