Damage report

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All three vehicles have battle scars from Seattle’s biggest storm in decades. Even the Subaru I sold to my neighbor didn’t escape unscathed. Nothing too terribad, although I should probably do something about the Miata fender...

The new V70 wagon is no longer straight :(
The new V70 wagon is no longer straight :(
The 850 got a bruise in nearly the same spot
The 850 got a bruise in nearly the same spot

I’m not sure if I was lucky to avoid major damage, or unlucky to get minor damage on all vehicles. The two Volvos sat throughout the entire storm, and had a foot of snow covering them that I was hoping would offer some protection from falling branches. Bleh. So what would you guys do to keep the Miata fender from becoming more of an issue? And as for the Volvos.... Worth looking into getting those fixed? PDR maybe..?